I am clearly late to your post but am delighting in the language you use and pseudonyms (is that right?) for the platforms. Such excellent points, all, and especially this (for me): "Just because a thing involves words and reading, or “connecting” with “likeminded” others, doesn’t mean it can’t be bad for you." Such wise words to remember.

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This came at just the right time for me! It gave me goosebumps at just how right. I have been struggling with the idea of just letting fb go - into the wind! It’s harder than I thought. You are my hero! Thanks for writing this!!!

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So glad, Denise! Let’s be here to put into the world what we want to see there--which also means recognizing when a habit isn’t serving that work at present!

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Great article, thanks. I've reduced my sm time substantially but there is more to do. Not sure I can go cold turkey because - cat pics- but I'm getting there. Sm increasingly seems to be a mda place populated by sad, angry and slightly crazy people. I hope not to be one of them!

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Thanks for reading! Right, it’s totally not about some supposed inherent evil of the tech or of the application but about the unrecognizable thing I tend to become when I’m on there too long. I do worry about folks who seem to have crossed a threshold where any help they were once receiving from it has long since turned to harm--and they haven’t noticed. Cats, however, do seem incorruptible.

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